This is a profile I did within my beat, environmentalism. I wrote a story on Nick Fuhrman, a UGA professor that incorporates animals into his teachings within the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. In the profile, he shares how he turned his passion for environmental sustainability into a career. Through this assignment, I learned to always do extensive background research on my sources before interviewing them. By doing this, it allows me to prepare by creating better questions for the interview.
Event Reporting
The .pdf below is an event I reported on within my environmentalism beat regarding a Zoom event the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences hosted for prospective students. Through this assignment, I learned the importance of fact-checking everything. It is crucial to go behind what sources say and check to make are they are correct instead of assuming everything is factual.
News Summary
Here is a news summary that I wrote within my environmental beat. I summarized a story by Lisa Friedman from the New York Times.